Thursday, November 21, 2019

Human Resources Diagnosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human Resources Diagnosis - Essay Example Richland Community College, like other complex systems, takes in resources and operate on them to produce some kind of output. They therefore depend on a continuing flow of resources for their existence and thus find themselves in an endless competition with other organizations that need the same resources. The main practices introduced by the College and its leader, Bill, are change management and motivation, positive climate (achieved by equal treatment of all employees) and self-evaluation. Richland Community College is a non-profit organization thus it has to compete more effectively in order to get a larger portion of available resources, which means that those that compete less effectively get fewer resources. Organizations act much like other systems that have intelligence. They have goals and long-term strategies for achieving them. By the same token, they also have strategies for how they are going to compete with other organizations to obtain the resources they need. The mi dlevel sets the conditions, procedures, and standards for the production level and allocates resources so as to promote production efficiency and effectiveness. And it, as is true for the operations layer, may also have several levels of "real" management.

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